Triumphant Quartets CA Concert; Tour & Bus Fire!
October 10, 2022

The first concert to be canceled in 2020 was the Blackwood Brothers from Memphis, TN for the Central California Southern Gospel Music Association (CCSGMA). In addition, we had a Veterans Memorial Concert in November with the Ambassador Choir of Riverdale Assembly of God Church.

Then in 2021 the Great Western Fan Festival was canceled again, for the second time! Instead of staying home, Triumphant Quartet wanted to keep their regular schedule as much as possible.

The events scheduled by their booking agent, Ed Harper, were enthusiastically attended! By this time everyone was tired of the ‘stay at home’ mentally! Triumphant was our first concert for six months, April 29, 2021. People had driven from such distances as San Diego, Anaheim, Paso Robles! The Quartet was at their very best, excited for ministry! What a blessing they were! Not one person sorry for changing plans and driving the distance to be there!

Eight days after the Triumphant Concert was in Fresno the group was driving during the night. Leaving their May 7th event in Illinois headed to Wisconsin for the next event. Their bus driver, Jamie, looked in the rear-view mirror and saw flames coming from the back of the bus! He immediately pulled over to awaken the quartet.

Miraculously, they all got out before the fire burned the bus and trailer and all the contents!

Here is a prime example of Gods Amazing Grace in time of need! Of course, there is more to this story! We remain thankful they called us as one of the dates they wanted to keep!