Liberty Quartet & Reliance Trio
June 23, 2023

A wonderful time was had by a very enthusiastic crowd in the (under construction) new worship center at northwest church in Fresno, CA! worshipful but engaged the attendees were with the great sounding groups from the very beginning! All enjoyed the fun songs, great harmony and committed testimonies of the artists engaged in conveying their love for god and commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Reliance opened the evening with a favorite song, “Let Me tell you about Jesus!” Featuring Tyson. This set the mood and joined all ears and hearts to what was happening on the platform. Manager Ken Hurley started the group in 2011 along with the current Tenor, Tyson Harness son of John Harness. He is continuing his fathers legacy. the group continues to get better and better, their website is linked on here.

Liberty debuted their latest collection with some songs they had previously recorded in their 27 years of existence. Their melodic bass, Royce Mitchell has been an original in the Liberty Qt! “Each year I want them to return but it hasn’t worked out every year. I will make it a point to book next year right away!” Said Earline Starnes of The Central California Southern Gospel music Association (ccsgma). who has been the sponsor of their concerts in Fresno county. The group is based out of Boise ID and is a full-time group.

Plans for their return next year will be announced on the radio Program, Don smith’s gospel favorites. All podcasts and upcoming concerts linked on this site!